Healthy Trends 你跟上了嗎?


誰說注重健康是老年族群的事?  21世紀開始越來越多的年輕族群注重"運動"也要配合飲食"健康"喔!  Beauty and Calcium Health care , If our body lock  Calciums then you will be unhealthy when your age getting old.  Everybody knows Calcium can help us on joint and bone growth!


Most Calciums are artificial and add food additives made.  Natural Calcium can easily from food sources absorption. Such as small fish, fish, milk , nut and green vegetable...etc but you need have a health diet on balance foods every day.

Natural Calciums  天然珍珠鈣

Pearls is not just an ornament that it can be natural calciums sources.   

珍珠富含天然碳酸鈣及胺基酸, 所以有人說鈣質與胺基酸及微量元素之完美比例是上帝創造的,將它完整放在珍珠裏!

珍貴的珍珠蛋白(Conchiolin), 人體所需的20種胺基酸中,珍珠蛋白含有18種以上, 在人體各項生理機能扮演極重要的角色◦

天然牛磺酸 Natural Taurine

珍珠粉中富含-牛磺酸(Taurine),近來醫學研究牛磺酸對於增強體力,心血管,肝臟,膽固醇保健,消除疲勞等有其效用, 流行的機能飲料以補充牛磺酸為主, 例如奧地利的紅牛,日本的力保健,台灣的保力達...

Rich in taurine. The medical researches "taurine" is effective in enhancing physical strength, cardiovascular, liver, cholesterol health care, and eliminating fatigue. For example, Red Bull in Austria, LiHealth in Japan, Baolida in Taiwan... 

活化有機珍珠鈣 Activated Organic Calcium

珍貴珍珠成份含碳酸鈣CaCOℨ,微量元素幫助鈣的吸收, 人體所需的元素中"鈣"是最難攝取, 隨著年齡增長鈣的吸收率和吸收量會逐漸降低, 每人每天得攝取1200mg,需要適時從日常補充最重要的天然活性鈣◦

The precious of Pearl ingredient contains calcium carbonate CaCOℨ. To help  absorption of calcium.  With age, It will be gradually decrease of absorption rate & amount . Each person need take 1200mg per day. The most important needs to be supplemented from natural calciums from daily routines in a timely manner. 

補充鈣質重要性 Importance of Calcium 

人體鈣質99%存在於骨骼及牙齒中, 另1%分佈在細胞與組織中, 身體需要一套很好的調節機能去維持血鈣穩定

補充天然鈣質, 改善睡眠品質,容易抽筋, 鎮靜安神, 情緒不穩定, 疲勞乏力, 胸悶心悸, 關節活動, 肌肉易痠痛, 失眠多夢, 清熱解毒, 免疫調節, 修補黏膜,抗自由基, 延緩皮膚老化, 預防斑點等的好處!

99% of human calcium exists in bones and teeth, and the other 1% is distributed in cells and tissues. 


Benefits of Pearl Powder for you and me

選擇天然無添加的原粒珍珠專利研磨, 有合格檢驗報告是首選, 它帶給人類好處早在好幾世紀前就被古人發現

It is the first choice to choose the natural raw pearls without additives, and the qualified inspection report is the first choice.  


100% Pure Pearl Powder, Precious pearl protein!

專利低溫製程超微米, 保留珍貴元素 選擇食用等級的專業養殖4~5年令珍珠以20~50ºC低溫乾燥,採用U.F. S.I.G 專利低溫充氮研磨 -196ºC 超音波高速震盪產生Cavatation 超微奈米化妍磨,完整保留珍珠蛋白,富含胺基酸、有機鈣及微量元素 。

The benefits of pearl powder for you and me 

Contact With Us!


100%天然純淨珍珠超細微米 高達7700Mesh


採用U.F.S.I.G 低溫專利製程,完整保留珍珠蛋白成分,含胺基酸、有機鈣及微量元素

獨特結合 美國,日本,台灣等原料專利配方 包裝: 110g瓶裝 (醫藥用玻璃瓶)


  • 日本專利特許第字號: 4490498
  • 美國專利: US8227424B2
  • 台灣專利: 第I507203  
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